Track Record
We are proud of our track record of accurately forecasting major developments in the Chinese economy, including the performance of Chinese equities, the Yuan vs. Dollar and the dynamics of US-China relations. Our insights have consistently provided our clients valuable guidance in these critical areas. Please click the tabs below for more detail.

Investors are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Monetary and liquidity developments favour Chinese equities, but Xi remains wedded to an economic model which gives the Party ultimate control over every aspect of the economy.
Feb 2023
We advise long-term investors to sell into any equity market upswing. We believe the Great Decoupling is unlikely to reverse, and that Xi's economic policies have pushed China into a slow-motion crisis of the real economy.
Dec 2022
Bearish outlook for China equities for the short term; Warming US-China relations or changes in zero-Covid could improve prospects.
Oct 2022
As China learns to live with Covid, the focus of Xi’s efforts to revive the economy in the short term will be on investment-led growth. That means old-style equity plays are likely to outperform bets on China’s big tech firms.
Jun 2022
We expect Beijing to start easing policy more forcefully within the next few months, which is likely to reinforce the views of those China bulls. This may present an opportunity for nimble hedge funds, but at this stage we would not advise a major reweighting towards Chinese shares for other managers.
Feb 2022
Consequently, this should be read as bad news for commodities, related currencies and China’s equity market, with any rise offering a selling opportunity.
Jul 2021
A-shares might beat other major markets once again in Q2; But long-term investing in Chinese equities is not a good idea.
Apr 2020
Any A-share upswing as Beijing's stimulus unfolds in H1 would be a selling opportunity.
Jan 2019
From a long-term perspective our advice is to sell into any equity relief rally and to stay away from both Chinese stocks and bonds.
Dec 2018
A jump in corporate bond defaults, bank NPLs and debt write-offs could well spook an already jumpy equity market and cause further financial market volatility.
Oct 2018
What is more worrying about the trade war for now is that it is undermining both consumer and corporate confidence and contributing to the sharp fall in the equity market, making Beijing’s de-leveraging that much harder.
Jul 2018
The rally could well continue in coming months as excess liquidity is yet again dammed up inside China courtesy of tighter capital controls. But our analysis and arguments suggest that now is not the time to make a long-term investment in either Chinese equities or bonds.
Sep 2017
If the market perceives China’s financial reforms as achievable and credible, even sentiment toward the equity market could turn positive.
Nov 2016
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